
Five minute blog today, because that’s all the time I can spare this morning.

I made an extremely rare visit to Walmart yesterday. Unsurprisingly I am not a fan. I am even less of a fan of the Walmart on Gresham Road. OMG, from the outside appearance I almost didn’t get out of the car! Inside was fine, but of course they didn’t have what I was seeking. I didn’t do a good job of seeing that the item was out of stock when I looked for it online.

Last night’s German class was at capacity, eight students, and it showed the limitations of Zoom education. I really wasn’t feeling it last night either, mostly because I was unprepared. The first class of the next quarter is September 24th, so I need to get my ass in gear.

This week I have been watching “Ted Lasso” on AppleTV+. I’ve watched the first three episodes thus far, and am enjoying it. The premise of the show is that a scorn woman is trying to decimate her ex-husband’s English Premier League soccer club by hiring an American college football coach who knows nothing about soccer. Admittedly I think they can (should) only make one season based on this premise, however.

With the exception of a Lowe’s run today should be just a normal Friday.

While I can’t do much this weekend I am hoping to have a little fun. If the weather is fine I may go to the Pine Lake hash and see if I can walk the trail. Unfortunately since I can “run”, and this month’s Hog Mountain trail will be laid in Suwannee, I may opt out and find so,etching else to occupy my Sunday.

Hope yours is a fun or perhaps productive, but definitely healthy, weekend both physically and mentally.

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19 Responses to 2020-09-04

  1. Another failure at Lowe’s. They were supposed to have 53 black garbage cans in stock. I found roughly that many lids, but zero cans. I looked high and low to no avail. I now feel about Lowe’s the same way Lurker feels about Kroger. 😠

    I was trying to maintain a positive attitude today, figuring knocking out a chore first thing would help, but have failed. It’s only 6:35am, perhaps I can restart my day.

  2. Another day, another medical anomaly. I hate to admit it, but I am starting to become concerned. 😢

  3. When I die of a heart attack thanks to another Dekalb County Alert message on my phone regarding COVID, someone please start a Class Action lawsuit on my behalf.

  4. Steve says:

    Hang in there.

    Odd to have lids and no cans.

    About to go ride, at least once I get out of bed.

    Barb, we started Lucifer last night. Really good. We also started Downton Abbey. Not so sure, but willing to try a second episode.

    Happy Friday.


    • I looked at all of the boxes on all of the nearby shelves but didn’t see any that contained bottoms. I’ve ordered two from Home Depot to be delivered to the store on Ponce in a couple of weeks.

      Thanks. I’m trying, It would be a lot easier if things didn’t keep cropping up with my health. I’m finally starting to enjoy life again, I can’t have it end anytime soon…

  5. Bonnie says:

    Since we’re on the topic of maladies, my right wrist/hand is sore AF today. Riding nearly 10 miles of trails at Southside Park yesterday did a number on it. All those rocks and no suspension plus the grip-shift shifters are not a good combination me thinks. Not to mention I use my brakes a lot. 🙄 I really need a new trail bike of some sort, but trying to dial in on what I “need” is hard since it has to be somewhat multi-purpose. Also convincing the husband (LOL), besides the issue of are there even any bikes to buy these days? Ugh.

    • Sorry to hear you are sore today. Hope your pain subsides quickly.

    • ITP Lurker says:

      I’m sorry to hear about your wrist. I appreciate you sharing because I’ve been wondering if I should investigate what I’ve been missing about mountain biking, but I’m on a keyboard so much that I’m always just keeping carpal tunnel at bay, and I certainly don’t need a new activity that would stress the hell out of my wrists. I’ll stick with road biking.

      I’m looking to ride 150 miles this weekend, 60 tomorrow, 40 Sunday, 50 Monday.

      • Whoa, that’s an impressive target. I hope you have quality padded shorts. 🙄😂

        • ITP Lurker says:

          I do. For the longest time I was convinced I didn’t need special clothes to bike in, but that also meant I couldn’t ride more than 30 miles at a stretch. I’m now happy to invest in bike clothing.

      • Bonnie says:

        Whoa, you are certainly an inspiration. To be clear, I think my hand issue is because of the grip shift shifters (you twist the handlebar back and forth to shift). I don’t have this issue on my fitness bike that has trigger shifters. And a lack of front suspension is also likely an issue. I don’t love mountain bike technical trails. I think my sweet spot is more cross country and gravel. I can only take so many obstacles and tight turns, but I’ll admit the second time I did the intermediate trail yesterday I tried to conquer some features that I didn’t the first time around and was stoked that I did (some of) them. Unfortunately, to my knowledge there isn’t much cross country and/or gravel riding around these parts, but technical MTB trails seem to be in abundance. IDK.

    • Barb says:

      I finally rode that southside park last weekend with Nicola & Kristina. It’s a fun place.
      Finding a brand new bike can be done, but might have to wait a few weeks or more to get it.
      It’s the parts to fix bikes that is really tough these days.
      We need to get on our bikes this weekend at some point.

  6. Steve says:

    23 in the book. Already hot. Now to watch the pro’s do it.

  7. I’m doing a fair bit of “pity eating” today. I say this to brace for an inevitable weight gain next Tuesday…

    • Steve says:

      Lurker, it sadly doesn’t take long for my hands go numb when riding. Odd, but it takes longer on the CX bike, so it’s related to position. One of these days, I’ll have someone take a look.

      Bonnie, go see Kate at Outback. She has bikes, and they will treat you right.

      • ITP Lurker says:

        Steve, my hands go numb as well sometimes, but I can generally manage it by shifting my hands, and also stretching while on the ride. I don’t have any lingering effects when they do go numb. New handlebar wrap has helped as well.

      • Bonnie says:

        Steve, I think I talked to her last year when I was shopping for my fitness bike (my “road bike”). The main issue back then was that they didn’t have many of the bikes in stock and I wasn’t going to buy a bike I can’t test ride (though they claimed the other bikes they gave me to test ride were similar). That’s a main reason why I got the Trek—it was there to test ride. And for the money it had better components. I’ve started my research in the Trek pool but yes I need to expand into other brands.

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