
How has 7am rolled around so quickly this morning? I’m late!

Luckily I had no side effects from jab #2. 😅

What. A. Weekend! The weather gods smiled upon us for BRAG Spring Tune Up. Unfortunately the Sunflower Farm is no longer in business, but the family that owns the land used for STU still owns that part of the property and is happy to rent it out to BRAG.

On Friday I was the team’s slacker by riding only 50 miles.
On Saturday I rode 61 miles.
On Sunday I rode 30 miles.
So in total I punished my body for about 141 miles.
I drank a lot of beer and ate a lot of snacks as well.

My body is appropriately sore today, and my knee is expectedly bothersome but not overly so.

I returned home to find that most of the plants survived the lack of rain, but have been somewhat strained by the motherfucking critters that dug into most of my beds. Today I will be covering more of them with screening to keep the bastards out.

I’m seriously considering skipping tonight’s Moonlite hash, which has not had a start posted as of yet the start is Grindhouse Burgers on Piedmont, in order to keep recovering from my riding as well as to do the work to get my camping gear, cycling gear, and WLF organized again.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are remaining healthy.

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10 Responses to 2021-04-19

  1. Steve says:

    Y’all seriously hit the weather jackpot this weekend. Sadly, there was no time spent on any 2 wheeled vehicle this weekend even though a lot of time was spent outside.

    Friday I finished running the hot wire for the baby’s paddock. It’s still not hot, but that shouldn’t take too long to run. Made my way to Stone Mountain for some Games planning, then dinner at our favorite Mexican place in Tucker.

    The land guys wrapped it up Saturday by burying the last of the piles- the one pile in the front pasture was still hot enough to make them worry about hot ash getting into the machinery of the dozer, so I ran the hose out for them to cool it off.

    Sunday was spent on Mahindra smoothing out where the piles had been. The crabgrass seed is ready to go down, but with no rain in the forecast, we have to wait a bit.

    And still no baby…


  2. Noticing that my seed sowing accounting is still in need of a better methodology as I keep wondering what is popping out of pots in which I’ve sown seeds. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  3. Bonnie says:

    I concur, a great weekend! I rode 127 miles (54, 42, 30). Slowly, but who cares. Thanks again to Paulie for riding with me on Sunday—we had a nice ride. I put cleats on my new SPD sandals but was too scared to give them a try. I’ll practice around here this week perhaps. Unpacking will commence today, as will trying to clean some sap(?) from my tent’s rainfly.

    My HOA gym just reopened so I suppose I will get back to strength training this week. It’s one family per time slot (honor system) so that makes me feel better, although I’ll be fully vaccinated as of this Thursday!

    • 🤜🏼🤛🏼 for your riding, including your longest ride on Strava! It was my pleasure riding with you, thanks for pushing me to do 30 miles yesterday.

      Happy strength training.

      At 9:45am I am leaning toward skipping tonight’s hash. I reserve the right to change my mind later. 😀

      • Bonnie says:

        I probably shouldn’t go. But I also reserve the right to change my mind later. 😁

    • Steve says:

      You were wise not to try new cleats on a first long ride. Getting your knee position right is critical before anything like that. Take your allen key with you when you ride for a while…

      • Bonnie says:

        Thanks! I wish I had a trainer to get the kinks ironed out—seems like that would make things easier…

      • You have a friend from which you may borrow one. 😀

        If you think you will feel indebted to me some how, you can consider the loan as a birthday present. 😂

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