
I kicked out of “the office” at 3pm yesterday with a 5:30pm destination of Red Pepper Taqueria on Briarcliff; in between the two I also had to call into a meeting at 4pm. One chore I hoped to accomplish was getting the zm6’s emissions test done, and I was successful. I was hoping to make my first-ever Lidl stop, but by the time I arrived it was nearly time for me to make my call.

I had a good time hanging with some old friends on a covered patio. We had cheap beers and decent Mexican food. I thought that I would be home early enough to knock out some chores, but it was after 9pm when I arrived home and I was pooped.

One of the new benefits I receive being a XYZilio employee is getting today off for the observation of Juneteenth. I was going to “celebrate” the day by starting it at Lowe’s but my irregular sleep pattern combined with the desire to get some WLF choring done early changed my mind.

I’m not 100% sure what my long weekend will hold. Part of my uncertainty is cause by an iffy weather forecast, and part by an iffy body. Tonight I expect to be at Red’s Beer Garden for a night of comedy, beers, and a hot dog (Apple, why do you automatically capitalize hot dog? It makes no sense!) I’ll make the best of it regardless.

Hope you have a healthy and happy weekend.

On to choring…

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11 Responses to 2021-06-18

  1. Bonnie says:

    I survived my inaugural tubing of the Chattahoochee. It wasn’t quite as relaxing as I’d hoped, as there are certain sections you have to be on the right side of the river (to avoid danger/hazards?) and of course I was a bit worried about making the take-out point. It’s kind of hard to steer a tube! I did have fun and am looking forward to purchasing my own gear so I can do it more often. We did Powers Island to Paces Mill, as that seemed to be the only section with rentable equipment yesterday. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I understand the section starting at Johnson Ferry is calmer with less rapids so perhaps I’ll try that next time.

  2. Bonnie says:

    Shouldn’t your new company be ABC Company or something? 😉 My previous company searched the Internet for any use of the company name—do you want them knowing they’ve actually hired a farm hand? 😉

  3. Steve says:

    A good day (half day, actually) in the orifice. Met the new telecom guy, who is more engineer than we really need (but might work to our advantage when Sam and I look to retire). Got some stuff done and then got a nose bleed! Not something I ever get. It was strange. My Cajun buddy is married to a nurse-practitioner and as I had him on the phone, I asked him to get her on the phone. She walked me through a couple techniques to get it to stop and finally did. Through the night, I managed to open it up again, so that was fun.

    The bike shop in Senioa is having an “all steel ride” tomorrow. I need to get my old Bianchi back in a ridable condition so I can join them. Steel is real, baby!

    I was thinking about Red’s as a possible dinner destination tonight, but then Debbie advised me I have to pick her up from her office in Tyrone, and not the ATL.

    Enjoy the weekend!


  4. HamWithCam says:

    “Nose Bleeds…” <— Afrin

    73 de JG/HamWithCam

  5. Barb says:

    Nothing exciting happening in Iowa. My uncle came in from TN, spent the day with him catching up. Mom had lunch with a long time friend (at Applebee’s, Connie & I chose to go somewhere else).
    Decided some pimento cheese would be good, so went to Aldi, they don’t carry pimentos.
    So, it guess I just made a cheese & Mayo spread.
    Today hanging with Dad, mom went golfing with my brothers.
    Maybe if we can be sneaky, we can clean out something & throw something out.

    • Barb says:

      You know how you convince a 91 year old man to shave? (He says he’s too tired to do it.) Tell him you will take a barber shop & he just has to sit there. Guess what, he got up & is shaving himself.

      The games we get to play….

  6. Six mile walk at Panola Mountain with Bonnie done! We reminisced where our Black Sheep trail was two years ago, and I may have gotten too much sun.

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