
With the exception of my journey to Douglasville most of my day yesterday was spent lounging around the ITP Estate.

I had a lovely time eating frozen pizza and salad at Betsy’s last night. She even threw together a blueberry pie. I was going to get some exercise by walking to Betsy’s but the rain and my laziness caused me to drive instead.

A few weeks ago I mentioned Werder Bremen’s lament that now that they are playing in the second division they’d have to sell off their better players. Well, yesterday I read that Josh Sargent, one of their few goal scorers was sold to Norwich City in the England Premier League. I can’t blame Sargent nor Werder Bremen, but it’s going to make it that much more difficult for the team to return to Germany’s top division.

Now that I am unemployed I have decided to cash in as many rewards program points that I have and put them toward gift cards for businesses at which I normally shop. It’s not much money, perhaps $100, but every little bit helps.

I was going try to beat today’s rain, if not the heat as well, by getting outside to do some WLF choring done first thing, but everything still looks wet out there. I may try to get out there after breakfast. After lunch I am going to concentrate on doing indoor chores like cleaning out / organizing parts of the basement.

Currently I am watching the first episode of McCartney 3, 2, 1 on Hulu. So far the first episode has been really good, and surprisingly has not had a commercial break.

Hope your week is going well, and that you are remaining happy.

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33 Responses to 2021-08-12

  1. Steve says:

    There appeared to be lots of rain just north of us, and it all headed north, as I think we just got a sprinkle, if that. It did drop the temps down, so I rode in the mancave for a half hour last night.

    I ordered a rebuild kit for the scooters brake caliper. I was trying to find just the O rings and gaskets, but you have to get the pistons as well. Instead of $20 for all the rubber parts, for $130 you get pistons, too! I don’t need the pistons. Ugh.

    I was looking for an attachment for my tractor and somehow I was sent to the Tractor Supply in Douglasville… I thought you had something to do with that! Ha.

    Reading about Bonnie’s travels made me think of doing a similar trip sometime soon. I have wanted to get down to the 8th Air Force Museum just outside of Savannah for a while and I can always eat seafood and tour old cemeteries down that way.


  2. Bonnie says:

    Yesterday we “did” Savannah. Stopped back by the hotel for happy hour before setting back out for dinner. 🤓 Today we head to Tybee Island. I’ve been taking the stairs and the husband takes the elevator. If he doesn’t want to go up 4 flights of stairs I don’t know how he’s going to make it up a lighthouse.😂

    • Steve says:

      A lifetime ago, we did the Tybee marathon and half. Paulie, who all was on that trip? Lisa and Randy, MC and Whiner (?), Little Easy and Dunkin Honut? Bob and Laura.

      • Barb says:

        My only half marathon was at Tybee. I have the tshirt, it was in the mid to late 90s. So flat, and so many places to shortcut, it was hell.

        • Steve says:

          No, it couldn’t have been that long ago- I thought Debbie was with us. Early 2000’s. 03 or 04. Debbie reports Laura and Dr. Doo Doo (sorry Bob!), the Whiners and L&R.

      • Our trip was 2000/2001? There were thirteen of us staying at the Captain’s Lady, six couples and me, the person who rented the place! 🙄

        I *think* this is the correct list:
        – Steve and Debbie
        – Randy and Lisa
        – MC and Whiner
        – Laura and Shane
        – the couple from Raleigh whose names I forget at the moment
        – either Easy and Dunkin or Amanda (the other Cheese Sister) and Keith
        – Yours truly

        • Steve says:

          For some reason, I remember a dark haired woman.. that could be my imagination, and would leave out the cheese sisters.

      • And I have not been since InterAmerica hash in 2011, so nearly ten years. 🤯 Where does the time go…

    • Good on ya for taking the stairs!

  3. Barb says:

    Dentist with Dad yesterday morning, it was uneventful.
    Allan got my brothers bikes all tuned up & fixed, it was more work on his “townie” than he wanted, (& 2 trips to the bike shop for parts) but it should shift & brake now. The road bike just needed a tiny bit of love.

    Lunch & a roadtrip to a small town (Anamosa) with my uncle, just a little sightseeing.
    A huge Grant Wood statue of the farmer & his wife. Then a drive by of the state pen, a beautiful stone building. The things you do to get out of the house.

    Tonight is the Field of Dreams major league baseball game between the Yankees & the White Sox. Huge news. Tickets are being scalped for $1000 or so. Craziness. I guess we might have to watch it.

  4. Bonnie says:

    I only filled my plate once at the breakfast buffet—yay me! 😁

  5. Critters are assholes. Since yesterday they have disturbed the soil, and perhaps killed, three squash/zucchini plants, two tomato plants, and a half bed of radishes. Assholes!

  6. And I am still waiting for the delivery of my Peach Pass. Dangen!

  7. Bonnie, next month we MUST go to Decatur when Inner Voice Brewing opens, and has Glide Pizza selling food there. Here’s a story on Eater. Ham, if you still read the blog and would like a head’s up, let me know.

    Maybe we can do a mid-week trip because in case you haven’t heard, I’m currently not working. 😀

  8. OMG, I saw the start of a TV commercial and thought “Hey, that looks like the style of house I grew up in in Queens”, and the commercial was for a show called
    Awkwifina is Nora from Queens. 😂😂😂

    FWIW, I have a hard time with that actresses’s name…

  9. Barb says:

    The cicadas or locust or whatever are pretty loud in the trees. It’s cool enough to sit on the porch at the moment, soon enough we will have to head back into the AC.

  10. It’s 1pm Eastern and I should be in the basement doing chores, but I think I am going to read a book for awhile instead. Ah the hiatus life…

  11. Bonnie says:

    I just nagged the husband for not checking the restaurant bill before he hands over his credit card and he said he trusts it is correct. And… it wasn’t correct. Now the waiter has to jump through hoops to get his manager to reverse the charge and te-do everything. *Sigh*

  12. Steve says:

    We just got the word we are going back to WFH 100%. The pilot group was going to be able to keep coming in but has been told to stay home.

    And just got word that one of our Games committee folks fell off a ladder this morning and is waiting for a bed at the Grady ICU. That can’t be good… any way you look at it.

  13. Barb says:

    Just bought about 5 dozen ears of corn….

  14. Finally down in the basement. One of the benefits of working down here is that it is much cooler, temperaturewise, than the first floor.

  15. It’s looking like one of the squash plants that were uprooted last night is going to die; it was looking so young and healthy beforehand. Animals are assholes!

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