
With new LED lightbulbs in the house you’d think I’d be on a tear to replace my old incandescent ones. Not so fast, my friend! I have put a bulb into the “broken” fixture, but I have yet to take the next step of enclosing the bulb with the fixture’s glass enclosure. I do intend to replace the other two overhead bulbs in the kitchen so that all three have the same color temperature.

Last night I made a fairly delicious vegetarian jambalaya to bring to Betsy’s. It was not my best jambalaya, but it was quite edible. And, I kept the bottoms of the green onions to plant out into WLF! As I surmised, Betsy didn’t get into “The Great Canadian Bake Off”, even though she enjoys “The Great British Bake Off”.

With all of the talk of Omicron I decided to start my day like it is April 2020 by baking a loaf of pumpkin bread. Perhaps my decision was swayed by watching “Bread Week” of a season of “The Great Canadian Bake Off” when I returned from Betsy’s. Or perhaps it was swayed by the discovery of four cans of pumpkin purée living in my cupboard? ???????? Goddammit, I just realized that I forgot to fold in to rolled oats into my batter! This is what I get for not laying out all of the ingredients prior to starting the preparation, even though I thought that I had done so. Shame, shame, shame. ???????????

Today is a reccying day! At some point later this morning, early this afternoon, Bonnie will make our first pass at Saturday’s trail.

I’m not sure what the rest of my day holds.

Hope all is good in your world.

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20 Responses to 2022-01-13

  1. Oatless loaf still baking, so I snuck in a batch of (canned) biscuits. I had two of the with some fake breakfast sausage which fell apart before cooking, so my sausage patty sandwiches turned into loose meat sandwiches.

  2. Ugh, WordPress updated last night and now all of my attempts to use emoji are converted into a series of question marks. Dangen!

  3. Steve says:

    Loose meat… huh huh..huh huh huh huh huh

    So how could the Canadian version be so different?

    New glasses on order. After work, I went to our “local” optometrist for new lenses in the old frames. “Sorry, but we’ll have to send the frames to the lab to make the new lenses.” WT.. no, lets just pick out some other frames and start anew.

    My quads are still sore from my run the other day and were pretty painful on my very short trainer ride last night. May take a good walk today to get them warmed up a bit.

    Debbie came home last week raving about a brewery in Lagrange where she had lunch. We will be trying it out for dinner tonight.

    Saturday, I’ll be helping good neighbor Steve with fencing the property line along his pasture that we use. We pulled the old fence which was nowhere near correct and will reuse some of those posts. Should be quick work.


    • Yeah, surprised that is not a hash name.

      I wondered the same. She said she thinks she likes the Brits and that Canadians are too much like Americans?

      Brewery in LaGrange must be Wild Leap? Highly recommend it.

      • Steve says:

        That’s what I thought as well, but I believe it’s another one. Who knew?

        And the current “hosts” of TGBB are just annoying. Maybe it’s a “British humor” sort of thing, but they add nothing.

      • Google has enlightened me to the existence of Beacon Brewing Co. could that be the one?

        • Steve says:

          I think that’s it. When we raced down there last September, I became aware of a whole little restaurant row and we have partaken of that once since and would like to get back.

    • Oh yeah, I think I will try to make the time to buy new glasses next week. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Bonnie says:

    I’m reccying today by myself? 😉

  5. Disappointed in today’s Washington Post crossword. One clue was “Showbiz ‘grand slam’ acronym” which was correctly answered as “EGOT”. EGOT normally stands for “Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony”. However another clue was “Component of EGOT”, which they incorrectly answered “Obie”.

    • Steve says:

      I finally pulled the trigger on the New York Times online and it DOESN’T include the crossword- just the mini!! But for an additional charge, you can get all their stupid games! F’ers.

  6. Amazing, it 9:45? Where has the morning gone?

  7. Reccy done! Trail will be interstate. ????

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