
It was not a bad day yesterday even with the weather. I rode the trainer for an hour of lower intensity riding in the afternoon, watching the first episode of this season’s “The Amazing Race”. I was surprised the hear that this episode was recorded prior to the pandemic. It’s hard to believe that episode was recorded two years ago.

Last night’s dinner was a bizarre concoction, which started out as a recipe called “Slovenian Sauerkraut Soup” from a cookbook, but then I decided it didn’t taste “right” so I added some other ingredients. The recipe I followed was for a vegan soup whose main ingredients were potatoes, sauerkraut, kidney beans, onion, and vegetable broth, with some other spices added. I added jalapeño peppers and vegetarian sausages, and probably should have kept out the sauerkraut event though it’s the star of the show. In the latter stages of the cooking process added a few tablespoons of peanut butter to mellow out the acidic overtones of the broth. In the bowl of soup I ate I also added a dollop of sour cream, because, why not? I have plenty of leftovers; I will keep them refrigerated for a couple of days, or perhaps I will compost them…

I keep failing to mention this, but I am abstaining from using the Spotify app for the month of February to see if I miss it. While there has been a lot of backlash for the service recently, my aim is to see if I can cut the $9.99 monthly fee. I have music options via Apple and Amazon, so I hope that I can make the break in March. Speaking of money for services, I read last night that Amazon is going to raise the price of Prime membership by $20/year again. As if that company doesn’t have enough fucking money! I believe they reported nearly $15B in profit for the last quarter. Two month’s worth of Spotify cancellation can absorb the price increase, spin the end I will save $100/year.

Looks as if I will make some more spending cash from surveys as I lucked into a $50 hard ice tea survey with Jackson on February 16.

This morning I ate a batch of King Arthur gluten free pancakes. The mix was free, thanks to a rebate provided by King Arthur Flour. Apparently I make pancakes twice the size of Bonnie as I was able to make four pancakes, where she said she made eight from the same ratio listed on the package. Had you not told me that these were gluten free I may have never noticed. And on top of that they were tasty, especially slathered with real maple syrup.

Given that the rain is supposed to end in a few hours and then the temperature is supposed to drop almost thirty degrees, I am unsure of what I am doing today. We had much more than I originally saw predicted, so WLF soaked. I am disappointed that I didn’t finish installing the new raised garden bed before the rain arrived, that red clay will be much harder to work with now.

The rest of the weekend is also up for grabs as no hare for tomorrow has been announced, and there is no hashing this Sunday. It’s supposed to be cold, but the sun is also supposed to be shining so perhaps I will get in walking/hiking and brewery visits. As of now I am meeting Betsy and Bella for a walk tomorrow morning.

What’s on your agenda? Whatever it is you do I hope it is joyful. Stay healthy my friends.

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22 Responses to 2022-02-04

  1. Bonnie says:

    I got eight pancakes likely because I used a scant 1/4 cup to measure the batter for each pancake per the instructions; I assume you did not do this… 🙂 However the instructions also said it should only yield five pancakes, and there is another contradiction in the instructions as well so… ?

    I will be catching up with my mother via Facetime this morning.

  2. Bob says:

    Just wait till after the 3rd leg of the Amazing Race when they take an 18 month break (spoiler but not really a spoiler). I found it crazy on the 1st leg pre-pandemic how nobody was masked and people were so close to each other, funny how life used to be.

    I get to play with chainsaws tomorrow 🙂 harvesting some firewood from a couple trees that fell at Big Creek

    • It was strange watching people do normal things like we used to do. It’s now watching pre-9/11 shows that do things in airports. Oh the good old days. I will try to catch up next week.

      Good luck chainsawing, stay alert, stay safe.

    • Barb says:

      there was at least a couple big white oak trees taken down last weekend not too far from my house. The tree guy was sitting in his truck when we walked past – heard Allan say it was a medium tree. The guy laughed, & said it was a large tree. I asked what they were doing with all the wood, he said they would haul it away in the next few days, but it was free if we knew anyone that wanted it. We don’t need any, but it would have made some nice firewood for someone.
      I’d think it is all gone now.

  3. Steve says:

    Off to the dermatologist shortly for an annual.

    Waiting on some dry roads to actually ride my recently repaired scooter.

    Looking at a very damp herd walking up to the barn. Only Ceili has clothes on to keep her somewhat clean. Mickey went back to the trainer this week for more work. Debbie just doesn’t have the time and he needs it.

    40 minutes and a good climb on the trainer while watching “Chef”. This a Japanese-American in LA. Made me want sushi for dinner, but made the last Martha Screwit meal instead. Tasty, but more work than needed. Gobble seems to be our choice at the moment.


    • Good luck.

      I went out to do composting and got a little wet. The rain has not vacated yet.

    • Barb says:

      Steve – do you really think it is worth it to do these at home meal kits? I’m just wondering about them, never tried any.
      but really, now that I’m home all day “working”, I can get dinner figured out fairly easily.

      • Steve says:

        Its more of a variety thing for Debbie. And theres the convenience of having all the ingredients.

        I can eat the same meals most of the time. Maybe its a guy thing.

        Dermatologists says stop wasting my time. Nothing new to burn off!

  4. Barb says:

    We never make pancakes, maybe I should try that this weekend. I’m more of a French toast person. That reminds me, I need eggs. My neighbor has a dozen for me, I need to find $5.

    My 1st dose of vitamin gummies was this morning, very orangy. When I’m done with the 6 days, fill out the survey online every day, I’ll get $75. There was a sign for a burger survey when I picked up the gummies, I never got offered a burger survey. Guess I need to check my Jackson profile.

    • I love pancakes. Recall one year when I went to different Atlanta diners trying their pancakes? Yum!

      I think I failed that burger survey. I fail so many it’s hard to remember them all.

  5. Barb says:

    Sunday, we are thinking of doing a walkabout up in Kennesaw for the formerly Screw U Covid group, now known as SUCKH3. 2 breweries, Horned Owl & Burnt Hickory for sure, and maybe Dry County. All are close enough to each other, just not sure about the roads & sidewalks & routing to wander.
    If anyone wants to join us.

  6. Looks as if my new “blow away” greenhouse is due to arrive today! It’s really just a cheap plastic storage shed that in which I will attempt to start seeds and grow some tomatoes.

    Another WLF chore for next week!

  7. An hour on the trainer done, another episode of “The Amazing Race” watched.

  8. Barb says:

    I went to the brand new Aldi that just opened near me for my lunch break. Its bigger than the other one near us, but besides being newer, not much more stuff really. I wish they’d go back to their old vendor for pretzels, the ones these days don’t have enough salt (per Allan).
    I got in the grocery shopping at lunch time a few years ago, at Kroger they usually have gone thru the meats & produce & marked the managers specials by then. Good time to get deals for my freezer.

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