
Slowly my eyelid is improving, and emotion distress is filling the void being created by the removal of physical pain. Seven weeks later, and I am still not doing very well.

I was able to get to the start of the hash, tend my business, and get away before any chance encounter could possibly occur. I don’t want to know if she/he/they hashed last night. I have two hashes on my calendar — May 22, July 31 — both Black Sheep hashes, and then I am hanging up my hashing shoes for the foreseeable future. The hash has been made an unhappy space for me, so I will avoid it.

$1 Tecates at Red Pepper Taqueria on Mondays, a possible Moonlite hash ending in case you need one.

Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 184.2 pounds (+1.0 from last week’s weigh-in); not unexpected this week given my lack of exercise due to two days of driving and my eyelid situation.

I solved today’s Wordle in three attempts; my starter today was AVOID

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11 Responses to 2022-05-17

  1. NYT Mini Crossword in 28 seconds.

  2. Steve says:

    I managed the Wordle in 5 and whiffed with my starting word of TRASH! I should just stick with my normal words…

    Got out on the CX bike for 14 or so. It still is hard to ride for any length of time. I don’t seem to have any aerobic strength. Just glad to be out, I suppose.

    Finally got my password worked out for my phone and GCN, so that’s playing in the background while I “work” in the orifice today.

    I think if you give up hashing, you will be doing yourself a disservice. Perhaps at the moment, but eventually you should go back.


    • TRASH has already been a Wordle word, so that makes it a poor starter.

      To be clear I don’t WANT to quit hashing, but the person responsible for triggering my depression has unfortunately made it a toxic environment for me. I know there are many hashers who like me and don’t want me to make this decision, but I know myself, and it’s really my only outlet given the actions which have transpired.

  3. Out in WLF transplanting pepper plants. My mental state is not improving, but at least I am getting some shit done.

  4. Barb says:

    Trail last night was good, & well marked, we did the majority of it but thought going right instead of left would save us some mileage, I don’t think it did – maybe 1/2 mile.
    No sightings of anyone on the “we don’t need to see you” list.
    Hooters was a fail (for us) – waitress seemed non existent – so we went to the bar to get a beer, bartender ignored us. So, we left, & went to Delkwood Grill (near our house) where we knew we’d get some attention. Allan was in a grouchy mood before trail, and Hooters didn’t help. The lack of acknowledgement by the staff is the worst.

    Lunch & bike pick up today, still trying to figure out where. Sally may join us, Kristina said maybe (if you’d be ok with it) and who knows, Allan may come OTP (again, he’s annoyed with some AFR stuff & has a work errand that can be done in Marietta)

  5. Barb says:

    btw – where is Red Pepper Taqueria?
    I know, I could google, I’m lazy.

    • There are a few, but the one I was at prior to driving to Cobb last night is at the corner of Briarcliff and LaVista, near where there used to be a Whole Foods.

  6. Excellent lunch, ate a real meat hamburger.

    Bicycle is back home with me, with a new drivetrain. I think I will give it a run tonight, not matter what the state of my eyelid is at that point.

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