
Twelve weeks of unhappiness have gone by, where does the time go? When I can put it all out of my mind I am getting by, but depression and anger continue to creep in when I think about the past three-plus months.

I heard The Highlander closed this month, after thirty years in business. I have twenty-seven years of fond memories at that place. I now wish I had chosen it as the end for my final Wee Has Risen Moonlite hash in April.

My latest health annoyances, the chalazion on my eyelid and the bump which has appeared on my chin recently, are bugging me lately. I may have to have the chalazion remedied this year, even though I know that will be painful.

This week’s weather forecast looks better for WLF than for my bike riding efforts; Black Jack may need to be mounted on the trainer so I can spin the wheels this week. I’m not looking forward to the long 4th of July weekend. Since I cannot emotionally handle doing any of the hash activities, I have made plans to get away again.

I solved today’s Wordle in five attempts; my starter today was FLAIR

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24 Responses to 2022-06-27

  1. NYT Mini Crossword in 49 seconds; made one error which cost me time.

    Recognized Heardle immediately, but there is no way I would have gotten the title or artist without the suggestions provided.

  2. I went through the process of cleaning my bike last night so that I could do a Stone Mountain ride this morning. However, I pushed myself hard riding sixty miles on the Silver Comet yesterday so I may play around in WLF this morning instead.

  3. Steve says:

    Wordle in 3!! My starting word was BREAK.

    It was sort of a 3 day weekend for me, though I was tied to my iPhone as my partner in crime was on PTO Friday. I cleaned the mancave in order to receive a new load of hay yesterday. I also completed the replacement of the pulley and belt on the finish mower. The YouTube videos suggested a Dremmel and cut off wheel- both of which I already had. After cutting off the old bearing race, the new pulley slipped on without issue.

    Yesterday’s Wheelhopper was a fun, mostly road/path tour of Acworth. Well attended, except by Barb and Allan (??). As Debbie told me to bring dinner when I came home, a quick stop at TC was certainly an easy choice. Salt and pepper shrimp, twice cooked pork and Dan Dan noodles FTW!!

    With Sam out this week, I may have to actually be in the office 3 whole days! Ugh.


    • Good on ya! It figures that yesterday I guessed correctly in two, and today it took me five. I could have (should have?) gotten it in four today, but I had a theory that was disproved today.

      • Steve says:

        And 60 on the Comet? Wow.. except for the change in scenery, that’s like riding your trainer. Saddle Sores was FRB yesterday and I was having trouble holding her wheel! I was still sore/tired from my ride on Saturday, so that’s my lame excuse.

        • Yeah, and it was the first (and perhaps last) time I rode beyond Rockmart. It’s a much different Comet out there.

          • David says:

            Depends how far past Rockmart you go. There’s definitely an unpleasant several mile stretch but then things improve a lot after that.

            Wordle in 4 starting with LEAST. NYT Mini in 40 seconds, Heardle in 2 seconds.

            We’re in Hilton Head this week. It’s good to be away.

          • I went five miles beyond Rockmart before turning around at my thirty mile mark.

          • David says:

            I can see why you wouldn’t want to ride that again. It is by far the worst part of the trail.

          • Barb says:

            That section between Rockmart & Cedartown is the worst – did you go up over Mt Trashy? (can’t remember exactly where that is). After Cedartown and into Alabama is a great section of trail…….

            Maybe start at Cedartown & go west next time?

          • I don’t think I made it that far. I rode through a park, by a cemetery, through ball fields, over a wooden boardwalk, and up alongside a major road.

            Perhaps next time I will.

    • Barb says:

      WELL – you know my over achiever husband – he decided we needed to dig a trench to make a sewer cleanout for the camper we don’t have again yet. Rented a trencher on Friday – as we went to install the sewer pipe -realized it wasn’t quite a wide enough trench. So, had to go rent a bigger trencher on Sunday morning – and of course Home Depot rental on the weekend is a complete cluster. It didn’t get done in time to attend Wheelhopper. We were quite bummed, had the bikes all ready & everything.

      He did find a camper up near Gatlinburg, TN we may try to go buy……. so he felt this trench needed to get done. And – its all covered back up, no one (aka the county) will never know we did this.

      • Steve says:

        A trench for the camper? So I assume you’ll make a connection to the sewer line? The county would certainly be interested in that.

        I figured you had a good reason to miss it, considering how close it was to you.

  4. Joe says:

    90 days is all you get. Time to move on.

    • I’d love to, but am not good at it. I’m trying, believe me, because the past twelve weeks have been hell.

    • Barb says:

      we have a new commenter!

      My friends & I back in the day used to joke 1 week for every year of a relationship to be able to whine about it, but then amended it to 1 month for every year (if it was a serious one). After that, we didn’t want to hear about it. Soooooo – you are getting close to that mark.

      • I wish that I could stop thinking/talking about it. I wish that I would have met a replacement already, but I have not met a single woman with similar interests/desires in the past three months. At my age this may never occur again…

  5. No shortage of humidity out there today…

  6. Barb says:

    5 for Wordle – 1.:31 for Mini – had a wrong letter again & couldn’t figure out what I did wrong. Oh well.

  7. Bob says:

    With all the miles you are getting in we are going to use you as the lead horse all week on BRAG next year 🙂 That is of course if we can hold your wheel.

    A few hours of chainsaw work on Saturday followed by digging holes for shrubs and wheelhopper on Sunday I am moving s-l-o-w this morning. Looking forward to doing nothing after work today.

    • Lol. If George is there I still won’t be able to keep up with him!

      I’m bringing the bike on this next journey in hopes of getting two rides in over the weekend.

  8. Debbie says:

    Wordle in 4 starting with BLEAK. I had 4 correct letters all in the wrong spot with my second guess. That was a little freaky.

    Strange weekend – today’s starter word reflected that. I managed to go 3 for 3 of ducking social engagements. I did have really good rides both days so that was my bright spot.

    Also glad to have secured my hay and hopefully have enough to get through to next June. With prices for fuel and fertilizer through the roof, it was an expensive weekend, but if drought continues to plague Kentucky farmers, this may have been the only cutting they have this year.

    Horse keeping costs are rising to the point that I fear a lot of horses are going to be getting dumped once winter rolls around and people can’t afford to feed them. `

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