
It figures that a chump word like HUNKY would interrupt my Wordle win streak.

I solved today’s Wordle in five attempts; my starter today was CHUMP

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24 Responses to 2022-08-15

  1. Decided to bug out of camp early. Headed back ITP.

  2. Steve says:

    Wordle in 6! After KHAKI the other day, I didn’t think they would use the K again. Mini in far too long with some checks.

    Saturday was a scooter ride and some chores. I attempted to bush hog between the front fence line and the road, which is just narrow enough to leave little room for error. Apparently, the bees nest I disturbed was none too happy with my attempt at landscaping and let me know it as only they could. After shifting out of low gear, I was able to move away from where hell had been released. Only 4 stings, and considering how many I saw flying, that was pretty good.

    My Wheelhopper yesterday was scuttled by two flats at the START! I repaired one and thought the other was manageable, but was wrong. Returned to the end and attempted a pedal swap with Jackass’ bike, but couldn’t get mine loose. Oh well, enjoy the pool and hospitality.

    Ceili is one step closer to being off the payroll. The buyer and her trainer both rode her and were pleased. They took her home to be vetted, so that’s the deciding factor.

    How was the riding this weekend?


  3. Barb says:

    busy weekend – and since I was still testing negative – I decided to not cancel my plans.
    Allan is still feeling a little puny, but over all, nothing horrible.

    Dinner Friday night in Roswell with 2 of my cousins, their wives & 1 grown kid – very fun to catch up with them. Canton Street Roswell is quite the happening spot. Very busy, but we had a dinner reservation, so no issues at all.

    Saturday I helped Dean get the kegs down to Naked Chef’s house – and then stopped by Yeast Infection’s (Janie) for a quick visit since I was way down that way.

    Sunday’s Wheelhopper went off better than expected – good trail, rode with Janie & Michelle (Toothless Beaver). Janie has an E Mtn bike – damn I was jealous at times as she just cruised up the hills. Michelle had a loose chain issues, that we of course had no idea how to fix, so we fumbled along & she survived.
    A$$packer decided to grace us with his presence (sarcasm) – of course refused to pay, brought his own beer, & was annoying as hell during circle.

    I’m tired today.

    • Steve says:

      He is both amazingly rude and clueless, or doesn’t care, or all of the above. Did he eat? He asked Jackass if there was a “food only” option since he brought his own beer and was told $25.

    • Bob says:

      Definitely was a super fun trail, I forget what nice trails they have down there.
      I really don’t know what A$$packers problem is (aside from being an idiot), he really seems to have a bug up his ass about Sanitary Not and wants everybody to get on his side. But to what end? Eject her from hashing? If you are that upset about it, stop showing up. Easy Peasy.

  4. I’m glad Wheelhopper went well, but I still prefer the 59.5 mile ride I did yesterday, and that’s factoring that 59.5 miles was 11.5 miles than I thought I was going to ride. I got lost once, even with Wahoo’s turn by turn, which took me on a long loop back instead of telling me to turn around. The route was nice, steering away from climbing and taking me along some pretty country roads. Boy howdy there are still a lot of Trump lovers / Biden haters out in the country.

    • Bob says:

      Weren’t you around Blue Ridge? I thought it was impossible to ride up there without major climbing 🙂

      I saw a Herschel Walker sign yesterday, how can you possibly support a candidate that can’t formulate a sentence? Crazy!

      • Fort Mountain is west of Blue Ridge. If you start down the mountain in the town of Chatsworth you can ride a loop that avoids the major climbing.

        I was so proud of my effort, and then of course as I was driving up the mountain I saw a guy wearing a TdF KOM jersey standing next to his bicycle at one of the overlooks. I had to tip my hat to him!

  5. Home! Went to treat myself to a bagel and cream cheese only to find that Emerald City Bagels is closed today for repairs. Driving up to closed businesses seems to be a running theme for me these days.

  6. David says:

    Wordle in 4 with CHAMP, I had four correct letters in 2, but fortunately only one round of letter roulette was needed to get the 5th letter in place. No Mini yet, finishing up the Excel book has me off my crossword game, and that’s OK, it’s good to shake things up sometimes. I’m about 30% through editing the galleys, which is the final proofing stage before the book goes to the printers. THE END IS NEAR! I need to do some serious Hail Mary work on the other book this week.

    Lovely 25 mile ride with a fairly new friend on Saturday. It was so good to get on my bike and ride.

    I have plane tickets to Costa Rica with my daughter in October for her 15th birthday. 2.2 miles of zip lining is booked, kayaking and a sunset cruise will get booked next. Waiting to hear back on an AirBNB that has an private infinity pool overlooking the mountains for $120/night.

    • Steve says:

      Wow, David! Sounds like a fun vacation.

      Let me know if you need anyone to carry your bags.

    • It does sound like fun, but before you agree make sure you understand what Steve means by “carry your bags”. LOL. Yes, you can take the man out of the hash, but you cannot take the hash out of the man…

      • David says:

        Thanks for the heads up, Paulie. I know a lot of hash lingo, but that’s a new one on me. Steve, sounds like I need to respectfully decline your offer. 😉

  7. Weird questions:

    1) Do any of you have an Ingles Advantage account/card? I am leaving money on the table when I shop (way) OTP. I want to join but can’t find away to do so online. Do I need to do it in a store?

    2) I am contemplating buying some “farmable” land which can eventually house a (off grid?) cabin. Only want an acre or so, where is the best place to start searching for such a thing? This will be my retirement / final resting place when I finally conclude that I will never find a partner for life.

    • Steve says:

      I think the Ingles card is an in store deal. When we first started, they only had one terminal you could do an account lookup if you didn’t have your little bar code fob. Now all the registers can do it…. amazing technology.

      An acre isn’t much when you live in the country. Remember, you don’t have to have it all cleared, just enough for a driveway, house, well, septic.

      • Good point about the acreage. At my age I don’t want to get into clearing a whole lot of land. Hell, it’s probably a terrible idea for me to consider such a life change at my age…

        Contemplating old age, the changes that will occur, and eventually death, is really wierd.

    • David says:

      I think you have to fill out the form in the store. I agree, there’s an Ingles tax that you have to pay otherwise. I despise loyalty cards, but when needed I’ll take get the card and store picture on my phone, or install the app if there is one. I think Ingles is stuck in the 80s (or earlier) in more ways than one.

    • Barb says:

      I have an Ingles card – use my old landline # anytime – 678-560-5379

      • Barb says:

        at least I think they can look it up by the phone#.
        Its been a while since I used mine, and I have the physical card on my wallet.
        I always ask the cashier if they have a card, or the person behind me in line if I don’t have a card.

      • Thanks, I will store that away for future reference, at least until I can get my own.

  8. Crap, Instagram has figured out how to insert Sponsored ads into my website feed. May be time to give up on the platform…

  9. In from Wee Little Farm. Harvested two small butternut squashes (though only one should be eaten by humans due to critter damage), one huge Georgia candy roaster squash, a handful of different okra pods, a handful of tomatillos that the critters left for me, two green tomatoes (picked so the critters don’t eat them), two cucumbers (four were out there, two had worms/caterpillars) and some questionable eggplant. Things are starting to due off, I will be doing a lot of plot clearing in the coming weeks.

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