A confluence of losses, none of which involve my mother, came at me hard this weekend. Six months later: I still feel pain, anger, and depression. As I feared, I have been unable to move on; that has always been a curse I have suffered. I’m reevaluating my life so I probably won’t be around for awhile, and definitely will be less responsive.
Eighteen years and two days was a good run for this blog.
Take care of yourselves my friends.
I failed to solved today’s Wordle; my starter today was FINAL. Failure is a fitting way to end, especially with the irony of today’s word being one I couldn’t conjure.
Damn, what happened this weekend?
On an airplane, hoping to depart soon for ATL.
Good weekend in Iowa, it’s always busy, what the hell we are doing most of the time, who knows?
Mom & Dad continue to be a challenge, but it went well over all.
Delta has a commercial (PSA) about cancer research before the safety video.
I guess it’s poetic that you’d shut the blog down on World Mental Health Day (https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-mental-health-day). As always, I hope you reconsider and keep our little community going here. But, if it doesn’t bring you any joy or comfort, then yep, time to shut it down. I wish you the best. Reach out any time.
That’s more ironic than me not being able to solve today’s Wordle.
It’s possible that I continue just posting my Wordle efforts. I do enjoy connecting, but I am struggling mightily and feel that it’s long past time for me to shift gears. My life as it is today is no longer working for me.
I do hope you keep posting Wordle, but I certainly understand the need to change things up.
Sorry to hear you’re struggling today, Paulie. Mental health does have its ups and downs, and the downs can really suck. Did you have a nice time in Columbia?
My weekend was fun, nothing special. We to the General Muir for dinner on Friday (my current favorite burger in town, although I still have not tried Biggerstaff). Saturday we did glass recycling, then went and got mani-pedis, and then had mid-afternoon lunch and drinks at Pure. Sunday we went to The Big Game to watch the Patriots. Kevin’s Giants played at 9:30 am as part of the London game. Then the rest of the day vegged on the couch watching TV.
Columbia was good.
Sadly my favorite place we went, an incredible dive bar called The Whig, is scheduled to close because the build it is in has been sold and is being renovated.
Ate a fantastically meaty brunch yesterday in my buddy’s hometown of North, SC at a place called Laird’s BBQ.
North, South Carolina, oh no, that’s not confusing at all. LOL That is straight out of Abbott & Costello.
To make it more confusing it’s about in central South Carolina, not to be confused with the town Central, South Carolina which is in the northern part of the state.
Sounds like living in either town is a great way to hide out in plain sight. I looked up North, SC on the map just because I figured it couldn’t possibly be in the northern part of the state.
Wordle in 4, Mini in :43. My beef with the NYT is that you don’t know if it’s a two-word answer.
Fairly low-key weekend. I hunted a friend’s horse on Saturday. It was nice to get out, but conditions are so poor that there really isn’t a point in even trying. Hopefully, some rain will turn this and many other things around.
I’ve been saying for months that I didn’t think Ollie felt well. We ran a bunch of tests and took xrays last week. The initial stuff all looked fine and my vet/friend said she thought I was overreacting. The bloodwork came back with some issues though, so we’re going to treat him with antibiotics and see if they can clear up whatever is going on. This dog is my heart. I’ll be devastated if it’s something serious.
Otherwise, I’m puttering around the farm while Steve is off to the war, uhm, err, the Games. Yesterday’s tale of volunteer drama reminded me why I participate sparingly.
Busy weekend in Iowa – and now I have to work after flying back this morning.
And of course work is busy.
60th anniversary party went off well, 15 or so old people plus my parents – what could be more fun! 😉
I’ll hope to have more time tomorrow – don’t shut down the blog Paulie!!!