
On Sunday I found a small honey business which claims to have batches that are from bees who pollinated around East Atlanta. Yesterday I made my first order from Little Bee Project (of course I want to call it “Wee Little Bee Project” hahaha), getting some EAV honey, and some South Beltline honey. I would have ordered some Cabbagetown honey, but that was sold out. Why have I done this? Well, one to support a local, small business. And, two to see if eating locally produced honey really helps with allergies. We’ll see. As an added bonus this business has the option to pick up my order instead of shipping it. Given that they are located less than a mile from the ITP Estate I naturally chose that option.

Yesterday’s venture north if ITP was successful. Day one of a two day survey was fairly quick and painless, and then I kicked around Sandy Springs and Marietta for a few hours before going to Barb’s for a lovely dinner and Survivor viewing with her and Sal.

Today I will return to Sandy Springs to conclude my two day survey, and, do another study with a different company. It’s not a lot of money, but it’s all welcome. I probably won’t be spoiling myself with a new iPhone (yet), but will spend some of my earnings on beer at HobNob with a couple of buddies before I return ITP.

Since I have once again returned to exercising I was hoping to get good news from my scale this morning, but alas, I put on one pound in relation to last week’s weigh-in. I am back in a weight range that makes me unhappy, so harder work is in my future.

Wordle: three, my starter was PLACE
Connections: perfect, Blue > Yellow > Green > Purple

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26 Responses to 2023-12-12

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 3 and shoulda coulda been in 2 with 4 out of 5 correct. Connections perfect.

    2 miles of run/walk which felt better at times. A hitch in my left hip took a while to work out but finally did.

    Cirque du Soleil’s current run here has 4pm shows on Fri/Sat/Sun. As we were coming to town for am eye appointment on my birthday, we can add a nice lunch and see Cirque all in the same trip. OK Cafe on Friday the 5th, anyone?


  2. Trying to get myself into the dungeon for a workout prior to heading OTP. My appointment is at 11:30, so I need to be there no later than 11:15. Sounds like plenty of time, right? Actually, it’s not.

    Speaking of actually, tonight’s Christmas viewing may be “Love Actually” followed by a Rankin-Bass Christmas show.

  3. Sally says:

    Wordle in 4 starting with MONEY. One mistake in Connections: green, yellow, purple, blue. All caught up with Survivor thanks to Barb and Wee for dinner and a nice evening.

    I get my honey from Big Pete’s Honey. A friend who has hives in his yard off of Paces Ferry.

    Just a lot of errands to get done today including a hair cut. Need to think of a white elephant gift exchange idea for tomorrow’s Holiday Party. Any ideas are welcome. GUTS holiday run and pizza tonight in Marietta.

  4. Barb says:

    I need to finish packing, it really is just a matter of looking thru my shirts & tops, everything is laying on the guest bed, just needs to be put in the suitcase.
    Flight doesn’t take off until 2105 – so not planning to get there too early. Last time I got thru dropping bag & TSA in 10 minutes – it isn’t all that busy late in the evening.
    (1st world problem – no First Class upgrade this trip. I’m 14 on the list, and no empty seats – my Platinum Medalion status is almost over at the end of the year, and I highly doubt I’ll ever fly enough to get that status again.)

  5. Jenka says:

    The elevator is still out. That is all.

  6. Jenka says:

    Just kidding. We had a sort of work/friend dinner at La Tavola tonight. He is a lawyer who has sent Kevin several cases the past couple of years, but he’s also a friend.

    Yesterday the trim guy came and put up some amazing trim that exactly matches the original from the old part of the house. It’s beautiful!

  7. Barb says:

    yellow- green – purple – blue (took me a minute on purple)

    Wordle in 4 – 3rd was soooo close, but not close enough

    Mini – not my friend today

  8. David says:

    Wordle in 5, same as it ever was. No misses on Connections. Maybe I’ve gotten the hang of that game. I did get my dogs out for a cold walk this morning. They appreciated it.

  9. Jenka says:

    Crash and burn today on Conniptions. I got yellow and purple and then heroically flamed out.

  10. Was slotted into the 11am survey, which lasted five minutes. Now treating myself to Indian food for lunch.

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